Monday, August 18, 2008


Last night Maria was barking and carrying on so I went out and walked out into the driveway to get the light to turn on. After the light turned on I seen a little skunk not far from me. He did not seem to be afraid of me.
The cats were on the porch and dive way and he did not mind them.
So I want to sit on the porch to watch he tried to get a drink from Maria's water. He could not reach so he kept climbing up the side the the bucket. Finally he was hanging by his back legs drinking. When he was finished and tried to get down he fell clear in. Then I thought Damn now I have to go kick that bucket over so he does not drown.
Then his head popped up and he finally got out. It all was quit a show.
Then the darn light went out so I went out in the drive way to turn it on again. I walked toward the skunk and he ran to the wood pile and stuck his head between two pieces of wood like he was hiding. So I went back onto the porch to watch. He walked around the drive way checking things out and Grump Bubbles (cat) walked over to check him out and they just smelled each other and walked off. Finally he wandered down to the field.